Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A day at the office

These days I work in an organization that helps mentally ill people get rehabilitated and get back to the "normal' world of employment. I personally work with 25 patients and help them through this transition. It's a job very different than anything I had done before and the closest thing to therapy I've ever done professionally. I've been here for four months now and am scheduled to stay here for at least a couple more months, until the woman I'm replacing (who is on maternity leave) will get back to work.
Today my co-workers, most of them are social workers, are on strike, they are not at the office. Together with all other social workers in this country, they demand a raise to their salaries, and I justify and support them in their struggle. They deserve a raise.
So I find myself here alone today, sitting in my office, doing my work, enjoying some quiet time by myself to do things I need to do at work, but also thinking of them and hoping they will get back to work soon. I also enjoy some private time and am able to use my break to write this.
I also work at another place part time, a job that is related to psychological assessment of people who are candidates to different work places or communities, and I enjoy the diversity of my work routine and the chance to meet different people and hear their stories.
I'm so grateful for the chance to have work and be able to provide for myself while living in Jerusalem. I'm also grateful to Hashem (G-d) for giving me the chance to work with people and for them.
I'm not sure how long I'm going to work here for finally, as it may take longer than I think and perhaps I'll decide to stay here for a longer period if the chance arises (not sure about it, though). I'm not sure what I'll do after that, when I'll finish working here. But I am not worried at all. I've felt Hashem's Hand in my life so many times, pulling the strings behind the scenes, presenting me with perfect opportunities at perfect timings and never, not even for one second, leaving me alone or letting me fend for myself. He has always provides and I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for Him. I love Him.
These two jobs that I do these days, that are so meaningful to me at this time, kind of found me without me even having a chance to really look for a job. They found me exactly one day after I told my former boss at my former job that I would like to quit. He wasn't happy about it, he wanted me to stay, but he respected me and so allowed me to leave. I had very good reasons to do so. One day later, I got a random job offer to my inbox from a distant acquaintance of mine. She sent it to many people with whom she had worked in the past in different places. It was a perfect offer at the perfect timing, and I got the job.
Amazingly enough, my former boss had asked me to stay at my former job until November 14th, longer than I had wanted, and a few days later my new boss asked me to start the new job on November 15th...!
They don't know each other and I couldn't have planned it better myself. 
I didn't even have a chance to be unemployed, not even for one day. The new job I started is a part time job and they asked me for 3-4 work days a week. I contacted another place that had once wanted to employ me when I wasn't available and they were happy to hear that I was now available. They asked me to work for them 1-2 days a week, and to start immediately. So together, these two jobs give me a full week of employment (sometimes even 6 days a week, if I choose to), a salary to cover my expenses and leave some more for extras. They give me good and positive work environment and the kind of work-content that is meaningful to me and from which I can learn a lot and help others.
Hashem is so wonderful, great, compassionate and loving, I could never have enough planned things better myself. I don't have enough words to describe all His mercy and glory. He is just amazing, so precise with everything He does and so bountiful! I truly love Him!

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