Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A sunny day...!

It's almost spring time in Israel, and I love Jerusalem in this season. I love Jerusalem in any season, because every season gives it something special, but spring is magnificent here.
Thank God, this winter we've had quite a few rainy days here, and everything looks green and lush because of it. Now, when spring is coming, all the trees and flowers are in bloom too. The city looks gorgeous in this flowery costume of hers.
Today the sun is shining, shedding a beautiful, happy light on the streets and alleys of Jerusalem, nourishing its many plants, trees and flowers, warming every heart of every person on the street. People are happy, smiling to each other, busking in the sun, forgetting for a moment what's on their hearts and minds. The sky is blue and cloudless, and clouds in the heart relating to the terrible earthquake in Japan and the terrible terror attack in Itamar give a little way to the sun to enter the soul and shed its light on it.
On days like this I feel so blessed to be able to live in Jerusalem, to enjoy its beauty and charm, to feel that I'm part of this place, so close to God.
I have a friend here who is a foreigner, but just like me, she feels so fortunate and lucky to be able to live in this most exquisite city. Just like me, she feels that she wouldn't have wanted to live anywhere else in Israel but in Jerusalem.
The special energy of this city is palpable. Yesterday I drove by a rented car to the north of Israel, for work purposes. As I was leaving the city, after a few miles there is a point that whenever I cross it I feel, "here, the special energy is not here anymore, not in the same way", it's something almost physical that you can sense as you leave the area of the Judean Hills.
I know God is everywhere, no question about it, but I feel that He is even more present in Jerusalem. After all, He has chosen His name to be put on this city, and His presence is felt here even more.
It was beautiful driving to the north yesterday, I enjoyed the drive and the scenery, but it was even more beautiful returning to Jerusalem and feeling embraced by the special love of God that prevails in this place in such a bountiful way. 

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