Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moments of Happiness

Yesterday was the Jewish holiday of Purim, when Jews celebrate their salvation from annihilation at the end of Persian Hitler, Haman, more than two thousand years ago. The story of the holiday is detailed in the Book of Esther.
To this day, Jews commemorate the event annually on the month of March with feasting, wearing costumes, eating, drinking, partying, giving presents to each other and giving money to the poor and needy.
Sunday I went with my friend to listen to the story of Esther being read at the synagogue, after which I invited her and her family over to a festive dinner at my apartment. Yesterday I went to a party at another friend's house and later to a party the patients at my work threw for everyone who is related to the organization I work for, staff and patients alike. It was a lot of fun. I was happy going to these two parties. I'm not a big party person, but it was nice to see people happy, making fun of themselves in a nice way, enjoying themselves, the holiday and each other's company.
I was even happier to return home last night and see on the door handle of my apartment a beautiful little bag containing different sweets and a small bottle of wine, which a couple of friends of mine left for me there. It was so heart warming.
With all this partying, I also went to work on both Sunday and Monday. These were busy, but beautiful days.
I was truly impressed with the party at my friend's house yesterday. It wasn't just a party with noise, drinking and music. It was much more than that. To start with, the people who organized the party were my friend's parents. They had a huge festive dinner with lots of good food of every kind for everyone. All of their kids (all grown ups) were there and many of their kids' friends were there too. It was so beautiful to see.
Each of their kids gave a little speech of their own related to the story of Purim and a moral message that can be learned from it. The father, who used to serve as a rabbi in North America, gave a very thoughtful, thought provoking and inspiring speech about life, about connecting the little dots of everyday events and gaining perspective of the bigger picture when time is ripe for it. He is a true believer in G-d and his love for G-d is so beautiful to behold. In the cynical world we live in, finding people who know the truth is such a bliss and I hope to be able to meet many more of them.
This holiday made me feel that I belong. I'm new in Jerusalem, as I moved here only a year and a half ago, and little by little I'm getting to know more and more good people. It makes me happy. I feel that slowly and gradually I'm starting to become a part of the community here and to form my own community of friends around me in this city.

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